Saturday, February 20, 2010

I just wanna be a big rock star

Dear god, did I just title this post after a line from a Nickelback song? Yes, yes I did. God save me. Anyway. This is my second installment of Cheap Ass Video Game Reviews, featuring Rock Band, which you can pick up at Gamestop for 12.99(Used, disc only). I mentioned before I used to have a PS3 before I got my current one, and one of the games I had for it was Guitar Hero World Tour. Now after I traded in my old PS3 for my Xbox, I Kept the World Tour set because I knew I would get a PS3 again eventually, and I did not want it to go to waste. Recently I've been using the set to play Guitar Hero Metallica, but after discovering through various websites that the Guitar Hero controllers will indeed work with Rock Band I decided to pick up a copy of it myself since it was so cheap, and I already played through the song list on Metallica. And indeed the controllers work very well, so dont waste over 400 dollars buying both sets, they'll work just fine.

It took me a second to get used to the presentation of Rock Band vs. Guitar Hero because I had never played a Rock Band game before, so I was all set and ready for the little circles coming down the highway, instead of the rectangles. Really and truly theres not much to say about this game, but thats not a bad thing. If you played one music game, essentally you've played them all. They're just different songs, and for 13 bucks its really not a bad deal if you're bored with your current set list. Some things stick out like a sore thumb in this game though, like how come the bass player in my 'band' looks totally out of place, and retarded? They have a solo mechanic that seems about as tacked on as a guitar solo in a recent Metallica song. It just seems there because "hey, these songs have solos, lets make this part of the board light up!" and dosent offer much for spontanatey like many bands do live when playing, you know doing something a little different in the solos to get a rise from the crowd. The solo mechanic dosen't add much, but its not bad or anything either.

The game's career mode is about the same as Guitar Hero's. You'll start off with some easy songs, and when I mean easy I mean like God Damn, theres no inspiration from these bands easy. All of the songs you begin with are Punk songs, and not from any good Punk bands aside from the Clash. And every single one is so predictable it just leaves you waiting for the real challenge to kick in. But as with all Band games, it's quite addicting, to me at least. You just cant stop playing, because you want to play some of your favorite songs that are listed on the game. Overall this game is good, and not bad for 12.99 (Used, disc only). Rock Band for the PS3 gets a 4/5.

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